Monday, June 28, 2010

Perhaps I should add something new now and then

Okay, I suppose I am trying to avoid the navel-gazing aspect of blogging by asking others to submit their dreams, but with my readership being what it is, my collection of nightmares resembles a flea with sharp suckers - able to cause anxiety but still extremely small.

So from time to time I will also share my own thoughts on the nature of dreams and their dark shadow siblings known as nightmares. Much has been said about this subject but some of it is so darned interesting that it bears repeating.

A good starting point for me is a well-known piece of cinematic literature known as A Nightmare On Elm Street (the 1984 original, of course.**) If you have never seen it, what's your problem? But seriously, Freddy Krueger, knives on fingers, yadda yadda yadda:

At one point, while Nancy is hooked up to wires in a sleep disorders clinic, her mom has a talk with the doc, who would later go on to be the voice of Roger Rabbit. She says something like "What the hell are dreams anyway, doc?" to which he replies "Hey, I just work here lady." No, actually he says something like "the truth is, we still don't know what they are or where they come from."

You know you're in some serious territory when the scientists say "we don't know." So, I will be looking into what some other people have to say about it in the future. But now I'm off to bed.

**Consider that between sequels, a spinoff and a remake, there have been eight other Nightmare movies made. Two of those were decent, but not one of them was necessary.