Sunday, July 5, 2009

This doozy comes from Betsy, a new mom

I am in a rowboat at sea. My baby Soren is in the boat with me. The challenge seems to be to get to land (duh) but all of a sudden, I see the arms and legs of bodies floating in the water. The body parts all belong to dead soldiers.

I struggle to maneuver around them, but the true horror is the sound their limbs make as they knock against the boat and float underneath us. The movement makes the boat rock beyond my control.

The boat tips so violently that Soren is thrown off and into the water, sinking below the dismembered arms and legs.

I am still kind of sick to my stomach as I think about it.

(Editor's note - Some research has been done on the nightmares of new moms and they appear to be quite common and are likely temporary. Dads and adoptive parents have them too, so we can't blame the hormones this time.)

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